All About The Day And How it is Celebrated


All About The Day And How it is Celebrated

Come summer time and we are all looking for something cool to drink, and what could be better than sipping on a Slurpee. In the US, there is a day that is marked especially for this concoction, and creators have been handing them out for free in celebration. The day is marked on July 11 and it is known as National 7-Eleven Day. Also Read – National Simplicity Day 2020: History And Significance of The Day

Confused? Well, 7-Eleven is an American international chain of convenience stores headquartered in Dallas, Texas and Slurpee is their exclusive brand name for a frozen carbonated drink. The chain was founded in 1927 as an ice house storefront and was named Tote’m Stores, but after 70 per cent of it was acquired by Japanese affiliate Ito-Yokado in 1991, the name changed to 7-Eleven. Also Read – National Sugar Cookie Day 2020: All About How This Day Came to be Celebrated in The US

How The Slurpee Came About:

The drink was discovered purely by accident by Omar Knedlik in the late 1950s when his soda fountain broke down one day. To keep his sodas cool, he put them in a freezer and it led to the soda becoming slushy. Customers enjoyed it thoroughly, and it in turn gave him the idea to create a machine that would freeze carbonated drinks. At the time of its discovery, the slushy drink was called Icee. Also Read – National Video Game Day 2020: Remembering 5 Classic Video Games That Were Famous in The 90s

After it became popular, 7-Eleven made a licensing deal with The Icee Company in 1965 to sell the product under a different name and exclusively by its stores. So in 1966, 7-Eleven sold the product under the name Slurpee, in reference to the sound made when drinking it. The term had been coined by Bob Stanford, a 7-Eleven ad agency director.

History of National 7-Eleven Day:

The day was first celebrated on July 11, 2002 when 7-Eleven celebrated its 75th birthday by giving out a free Slurpee to customers. It has ever since become a custom to hand out free Slurpees on this day. This year, however, 7-Eleven has had to cancel its Free Slurpee Day because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

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