Actor Chiranjeevi Sarja passed away on June 7, leaving his fans disheartened. His death due to cardiac arrest left a void in the hearts of his fans as well as his wife Meghana Raj Sarja. The couple got engaged in October 2017 and married in 2018 in Christian and Hindu wedding ceremonies. It’s been a month and the actor was laid to rest but his memories are still fresh in the minds. On Chiranjeevi’s one-month death anniversary, Meghana held a prayer meeting for him. The meeting was held on July 7 and all family members were invited to the meeting.
Meghana Raj Sarja took to social media to share a heartfelt note for him and said what he has given me is most precious. She wrote, “My Dearest Chiru …. Chiru is a CELEBRATION… has always been, is and will always be… I know u wouldn’t have liked it any other way! Chiru,the reason i smile… what he has given me is most precious… MY FAMILY.. the JUST US… together we will always be for all eternity baby ma ❤️ and each day will be just the way u like it! Filled with Love, laughter, pranks, honesty and most importantly Togetherness ❤️ WE LOVE YOU BABY MA!”
Check out the pictures from Chiranjeevi Sarja’s prayer meet:
Meghana had earlier said that her child is going to fill the void that Chiranjeevi has left in her life. She says that seeing the child smile would feel like the late actor is smiling at her. Meghana is three months pregnant and the duo was going to announce the news of their pregnancy in the media soon. Chiranjeevi and Meghana got married last year in a lavish wedding ceremony after dating for 10 years.
When Chiranjeevi passed away at the age of 39 in Bangalore, various pictures and videos of an inconsolable Meghana surfaced on the internet.
The popular actor was seen in movies like Varadhanayaka in 2013, Whistle in 2013), Aatagara in 2015 and many more. He made his debut with Vayuputra in the year 2009.
Mat his soul rest in peace!
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