Bollywood brothers Ayushmann Khurrana and Aparshakti Khurrana are currently in Chandigarh with their family post unlock. Among other things, Ayushmann and Aparshakti have also purchased a house here in Panchkula, a satellite town of Chandigarh. All of them are thrilled as the Khurranas have got a new family home. The Khurrana family consists of parents P. Khurrana and Poonam, Ayushmann, his wife Tahira, kids, and Aparshakti and his wife Akriti.
As per the reports in TOI, Ayushmann walked into the Tehsil office in Panchkula with his wife, Tahira Kashyap on July 6 to get the house registered in both their names. Sources from the Tehsil office say that Ayushmann has bought a house in Sector 6 of Panchkula. “He came to get the house number 21 registered at the Tehsil office,” says the source, adding, “The house on paper costs approx., Rs 9 crore.”
Ayushmann was quoted saying, “The Khurranas got a family home! The entire family decided to buy this new home in which the entire Khurrana family can now stay together. We are looking forward to making new and beautiful memories in our new address”.
A source from Chandigarh said the family was looking for a spacious home where the entire Khurrana family could stay together. “The two sons, Ayushmann and Aparshakti, are now married plus Ayushmann and Tahira have two kids now. So, it was only logical for the entire family to invest in getting something bigger. They have just bought this property and it will take some time before they can move into it,” added the source.
The entire Khurrana family is in Chandigarh as both the brothers and their respective wives decided to visit the parents to spend quality time with them. This gave them the opportunity to also finish all legal formalities.
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