Youtube's Brandnew Featcher Now you Can Watch Youtube vidios Offline ( without internet )


Youtube has annaunced that now we can watch buffer free youtube vidios offline.
Beacuse of this youtube apps new featucher user can download youtube vidio using wi-fi or deta plan and watch it offline without internet connaction for next 48 hours.
Beacuse of this service we can watch vidio without buffaring.
To watch youtube vidio offline you have to Tap on Offline icon in vidio frame.
Youtube annaunced this featucher in launching cerimany of android one but for only android and iso oprating systims can enjoy this featucher.
In India 85% pepols connected to the internet.
40% Pepols use mobile to get connecte to the internet in india.
Beacuse of this featcher user can now save his time and mony.

Read Also - How To Download Youtube Vidio Without Any Softwere.