Eid Milad Un Nabi Status 2020: We have specially collected these statuses for you guys, which you can promote and get the best response from your friends.
100 Eid Milad Un Nabi Status 2020
1. May allah this occasion fill your life with full of happiness,
Your soul with spiritual,
Your heart with love,
Your mind with wisdom,
Wishing you a very very happy eid milad-un-nabi (S.A.W.W.).
2. When we hear the azaan of friday prayer,
And go for friday prayer at the mosque,
Allah forgives all of the week mistakes of a man with replacing best.
3. May Allah fulfill all your wishes on this Eid Milad-un-Nabi(S.A.W.W.),
Of Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W.) (born on April 26, 570 AD at Macca).
4. You always will be in my prayers,
And I may remember you when you pray to Allah,
Happy Eid Milad!
5. May allah bless you on this eid milad-un-nabi(s.A.W.W.),
And may you have a joyful eid milad celebrations.
6. I convey my cordial and sincere greetings to you and your family on the occasion of this EidMilad-Un-Nabi(S.A.W.W.),
This Suspicious Day on which Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W.W.) Made His Descent On this Earth!
7. Khushbu-e-Gulaab hai Paseena RASOOL HABIB ka,
Aap ko bhi ho Mubarak Maheena RASOOL HABIB ka,
Aap Ko Jashan-e-Eid Milad Un Nabi(S.A.W.W.) Mubarak Ho!
8. Allah taallah hum sab ko sahi rah per chalne ki taufeeq ata farmayein,
Jab zubaan pe muhammad(s.A.W.W.) ka naam aaye,
Asmaan se druud o salam aaye,
9. Her waqt tasawur me madiny ki gali ho,
Or yaad Muhammad(S.A.W.W.) ki mere dil me basi ho,
Ay kaash mai ban jaun madeeny ka musafir,
Aur roti hui Tayba ko baraat chali ho.
10. Duniya ki har Fiza mai hai ujala RASOOL-E-PAK(S.A.W.W.) ka,
Ye sari kainaat haI Sadqa RASOOL-E-PAK(S.A.W.W.) ka,
Khushbu-e-Gulaab hai paseena RASOOL-E-PAK(S.A.W.W.) ka,
Aap ko bhi ho Mubarak Maheena RASOOL-E-PAK(S.A.W.W.) ka,
Nisaar teri chehal pehal par hazaron Eidein Rabi-ul-awal,
Siwa-e-iblees k jahan mai sabhi to khushiaan manaa rahai hain.
Barhween ka chand aya barhween ka chaand.
11. Ki Muhammad(S.A.W.W.) Say Wafa Tu Nai To Hum Tere Hain,
Ye Jahaan Chez hai kya Loh-O-Kalam Tery Hain,
NABI(S.A.W.W.) ki yaad say roshan mery dil ka nageena hai
Wo mery dil mai rehty hain mera dil e MAADiNA hai
Sb ko Eid MiLAD-Ul-NABI(S.A.W.W.) mubarak.
12. Her ibtida sy pehly her intaha ky baad,
Zaat-e- Nabi(S.A.W.W.)î buland hay ìZaat-e-khudaî ky baad,
Dunia mai ehtraam ky qabil hain jitny log,
Mai sab ko manta hu magar ì PYARY MUSTAFA(S.A.W.W.)îky baad,
Ajab Fayz Hai AAQA TERI Muhabbat Ka,
Darood Nabi Pak(S.A.W.W) Par Parhun aur khud sanwar jau,
Rabi ul Awal ka Mahina bohat Mubarak Ho Apko!
13. Hum bhi is khushi me isi tah amal ker ky shamil ho sakte hen,
Ham ayenda sy hamesha namazon ki mukamal pabandi kerne ki pakki niyat ker lyn,
Or rozy rakhny ki adat banayen sab ko bohat bohat
Eid e milad un nabi(s.A.W.W.) mubarak ho!
14. Hope Milad un Nabi brings for you the gift of happiness and blessings always and today,
Happy Eid Milad un Nabi(S.A.W.W.),
On Eid Milad Un Nabi(S.A.W.W.)!
15. Namazon ka rakhye ga sath Manwa li jia,
Rab sa har bat Duao mai rakhiya ga hum ko Yad Mubarak ho ap 12 Rabi-ul-Awal ki yeh rat!
16. Nisar teri chehel pehel per,
Hazaroon eidain rabi ul awal,
Siwaye ibles ky jahan main,
Sabhi to khushiyan manaa rahy hein,
Eid milad un nabi(s.A.W.W.) mubarak ho,
Allah taallah ham sb ko sahi raah ki taufiq ataa farmayen,
Happy eid milad-un-nabi(s.A.W.W.).
17. Huzoor (alehis salam) apni viladat ki khushi me youme viladat wale din yani her peer ko roza rakhte,
Or farmate k me allah ka shukr ada kerne ke liay har peer ke din roza rakhta hun.
Hum bhi is khushi me shamil ho sakte hen wo is tarha ke ayenda hamesha namazon ki pabandi kerne ki pakki niyat ker len,
Or kal ka roza rakh len or is ka gift aap alehis salam ko bhej den,
Eid e milad un nabi mubarak ho!
18. Zaman mela nahi hota,
Muhammad (s.A.W) k ghulamon ka,
Kafan mela nahi hota,
Eid mailad_un_nabi mubarik!
19. Wo arsh kaa charagh hy ma,
Us k qadmon ki dhoal hoon,
Aey zindagi gawah rehna ma,
Ghulam_e_ rasool hoon,
Very happy eid milad un nabi!
20. On Milad un Nabi,
Hereís wishing that the wonderful deeds of the Prophet, Touch your life,
And inspire you to make your life more beautiful,
Milad e Nabi mubarak ho!
21. Ghalib me khush hoo,
Agr jannat na ja sakoohasrt yehi hy k bad-e-marg kuch kam aa sakoo,
Eendhan bana de mujh ko jahannum ka ae khuda,
Her dushman-e-ali!
22. Eid Milad-un-Nabi Hai Dil Bara Masroor Hai,
Eid Deewano Ki Tu Bara Rabi-un-Noor Hai,
Iss Taraf Jo Noor Hai Tu Uss Taraf bhi Noor Hai,
Zara Zara Sub Jahaan Ka Noor Sey Mamoor Hai!
23. Her malak hai shadmaan khush aaj her ik hoor hai,
Haan mager shaitaan bama?E rufaqa bara ranjoor hai!
24. Ramadan mubarak wish,
Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of nuur!
Ramadan mubarak!
25. May you observe aza-e hussain and participate in mourning congregations,
Lamentations, matam to commemorate imam hussain ibn ali,
The grandson of the islamic!
26. On this auspicious occasion of miladi nabi,
Iím wishing that your home,
And heart is blessed by the prophet with love, peace & prosperity!
Miladi nabi mubarak ho!
27. Wishing you a joyous Mawlid al-Nabi,
May the blessing of the Prophet muhammad be with you always!
28. Eid mailad-un-nabi mubarak
Zameen maele nai hote
Zamun mela nai hota,
Muhammad (s.A.W) k ghulamo ka,
Kafun mela nai hota,
Eid mailad-un-nabi mubarak!
29. Hr ibtada sy pehlay hr intaha k bad,
Zate- Nabi? bolud hy ?Zat-e-khuda? k bad,
Dunya me ehtram k qabil han jitny log,
Main sub ko manta hun mgr MUSTAFA k bad!
30. May u celebrate the most beautiful eid-e-milad-un nabi (S.A.W.W),
Then may life shower on u abundant,
Joy and happiness!
31. May all the blessings of Allah b with u on eid-emilad-un-nabi,
A very happy eid-e-milad-un-nabi to u & ur family!
32. On this eid milad un-nabi,
May all your prayers be answered by Allah,
Believe on him and he will grant you,
Your heartís desire!
33. Earth can forget to rotate, bird can forget flying, candle can forget to melt,
Heart can forget to breathe but Iíllnever forget to wish you,
Happy eid milad un nabi!
34. May the magic of this eid-e-milad-un-nabi bring lots of happiness in ur life,
May u celebrate it with all your close friends & family,
& may your heart be filled with love of mohammad (pbuh) and joy!
35. When allah call u for pray of friday go who will go for friday jummah prayer,
His all week fault will clean & good things will b written in his book!
36. May allah bless you,
And may you have,
A joyous eid celebration.
37. I convey my cordial & sincere greetings to you & your family on the occasion of eid-e-milad-un-nabi,
The suspicious day on which prophet hazrat mohammad (s.A.W.W) made his descent on earth!
38. Har wqt tasawwur me madeeny ki gali ho,
Aur yaad Muhammad ki mere dil me bsi ho,
Ay kaash me bn jaun madeeny ka musaafir,
Aur roti hui Teba ko baraat chli ho,
39. Baarhwin ka chand aya barhwin ka chaand,
Aamd e mustafa,
Marhaba, marhaba
40. Nabi ke yaad say roshen meray dil ka ngeena hai,
Wo mery dil mei rehtay hyn mera dil e maadeena hai,
Sab ko eid melad-ul-nabi mubarak!
41. Life is test, islam is best,
Namaz is must,
Aakhrut is for rest,
The world is only dust,
If quran is in chest,
Nothing need next,
Obey allah first,
First success will be next!
42. Rahmaton ki hai yeh raat,
Namazon ka rakhye ga sath,
Manwa li jia Rab sa har bat,
Duao mai rakhiya ga hum ko Yad,
Mubarak ho ap 12 Rabi-ul-Awal ki yeh rat!
43. Madine main aesi fiza lag rahi hai,
Ke jannat ki jesse hawaa lag rahi hai,
Madine pohanch kar zameen ko jo dekha,
Yeh jannat ka jese pata lag rahi hai!
44. Khuda ke fazal se emaan me hain hum pory,
Keh apni rooh me saari hai bahewen tareekhÖ!!!
Jashan-e-eid milad-un-nabi mubarak ho!
45. Apno or gairon mein farq rabtay ka hy,
Agar rabta qaim rahay to ghair b apna bn jata hy,
Rabta toot jaey to apna b ghair ban jata hy,
Bara rabi ul awal mubarak!
46. Eid mubarak un nabi mubarak,
Madeenah chhor kar jannat ki khushboo mil nahi sakti,
Madeene se mohabbat hain to jannat ki zamaanat hain!
47. The prophet’s birthday is a moment to rededicate ourselves to the ideals,
For which he lived his life,
Eid Milad-Un-Nabi Mubarak!
48. Wishing you blue skies and sunny days and happiness along your way,
Happy Eid Milad Un Nabi!
49. Life tests,
Islam is best,
Namaz is must,
Aakhrut is for rest,
The world is only dust if Qur’an is in the chest,
Nothing need next,
Obey Allah first
Success will be next,
Happy Eid Milad-Un-Nabi!
50. Bohot muqaddas hai mery piyary nabi (s.A.W.W) ke qadmon ki dhool,
Kaash ke is dhool ka koi zarra meri qabar ki zeenat ban jaye! Aameen!
Eid-e-milad-un-nabi mubarak ho!
51. Harr ebtada sey pehly harr intaha ke baad
Zaat-e-nabi bolund hai “Zaat-e-khuda” ke baad,
Dunya me ehtram ke qabil hain jitny loog
Main sub ko manta hon magar “Mustafa” ke baad!
52. 12 rabi-ul-awwal ke din aai hai taza bahar salallahu alehi wasalam parhte hai
Darr-o-deewar jashan-e-eid melad-un-nabi mubarak ho!
53. Khushi k is mouqa per meri tarf se
Ap sb ko ëeid milad un nabií mubarak ho,
Aur allah karim ap ke dene, dunyavi
Aur ukhrvi hajat puri furmay,
54. Amam bani nooh jinnat-e-insaano,
Ko the holy prophet muhammad (saww),
Ka jashan-e-zahoor bohat!
55. Today I pray that,
Happiness stays at your door;
May it knock early and stay late;
And leave the gift of allahís love;
Peace, joy and good health behind!
Best wishes for a happy eid!
56.Falling in love with the lord,
Is the greatest romance searching him,
Is the greatest adventure finding him,
The greatest achievement nd bing with him,
The greatest source of happiness,
Wishing u a very happy eid milad un nabi,
To u and your whole family!
57. May allah this occasion flood,
Your life with happiness,
Your heart with love,
Your soul with spiritual,
Ur mind with wisdom
Wishing u a very happy eid milad un nabi 2020 to u and your family,
58. When my arms canít reach,
People close to my heart,
I always hug them with my prayers,
May allahís peace be with you,
Wishing you a very happy eid milad un nabi 2020,
To you and your family!
59. All Muslims today across the globe celebrate Eid e Milad un Nabi 2020 festival with great fun and rejoice,
It is definite to bring inner joy and happiness!
60. Eid Mubarak Sms,
May the magic of dis EID,
bring lots of happiness in ur life,
& may u celebrate it wid,
all your close friends,
& may it fill your HEART wid love!
61. May allah this eid milad-un-nabi flood,
Ur life with happiness,
Your heart with love,
Ur soul with spiritual,
Ur mind with wisdom,
Wishing you a very very happy eid milad-un-nabi the birthday of our holy prophet mohammad (pbuh)!
62. May God send his Love like Sunshine,
in his warm and gentle ways,
to fill every corner of your Heart,
and filled your Life with a lot of,
Happiness like this EID DAY.
63. Holy Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad Sahib showed us
The path of Righteousness,
Brotherhood & Tolerance!
64. There are five things that nobody knows them but allah,
1.The judgement day,
2.Where & when will rain,
3.What is in the motherís womb,
4.What will happen tomorrow,
5.Where will the man die!
ìhappy eid milad-un-nabi (s.A.W.W)!
65. Do ordinary for allah
He will do extraordinary for you,
Do natural you allah,
Heíll do supernatural for you,
Do possible for allah,
Heíll do impossible for you!
Happy eid milad-un-nabi (pbuh)!
66. Donít leave me donít stay away from me,
Keep me inside ur heart,
Read me,
Understand me & obey me,
Because tomorrow in the grave you’ll need me quran!
ìjashan-e-eid milad-un-nabi (saww) mubarak!
67. The beautiful word is allah,
Most beautiful song is azan,
Best exercise is namaz,
World perfect book is quran,
And you are so lucky if u r a musalman!
Jashan-e-eid milad-un-nabi (saww) mubarak!
68. Hope that you are guided by your faith in the,
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and shine in His divine blessings,
A very happy Eid Milad-un-Nabi!
69. May Allah fulfills all your wishes on this birthday,
Of Prophet Mohammad (born April 26, 570 AD at Mecca),
Youíll always be in my prayers,
And may you remember when you pray to Allah!
Happy Eid Milad-un-Nabi!
70. Hadis e nabwi sallallaho alaihi wasllm,
Nabi sallallaho alaihi wasllm ne farmaya,
Allah ne makhlooq paida ki unmain sub se behter mujhe banaya,
Phir sub makhlooq k 2 giroh kiye un main sub se behter mujhe banaya,
Phir un k gharane banay mujhe un main behter banaya to main unsab main apni zaat k,
Aitabar se behter hun (yani apni mehfil e milad khud munaqqid ki)!
71. Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words,
E ñ Embrace with open heart,
I ñ Inspire with impressive attitude,
D ñ Distribute pleasure to all ~Eid Milad Un Nabi,
72. Rabi-ul-awwal bhuhat bhuhat mubarak ho,
Remember me in your prayers,
Eid milaad-un-nabi mubarak ho,
Allah tallah hum sab ko sedhi raah pr chalny ke taufeeq ata farmay,
Happy eid milaad-un-nabi!
73. May the divine blessings of Allah be,
With you on this day! Happy eid-e-milad-un-nabi!
74. Log tung dasti say jtna darty hain,
Agar dozakh se darain tu dono say bach jayeín,
Maal sy jtni mohabbat karty hain agar jannat se krainn tu dono pa lain!
Jashan-e-eid milad-un-nabi (saww) mubarak!
75. Hamesha dua mangty raha kro
Q k mumkin na mumkin to sirf hamari soch hai allah k liye to kuch bhi na mumkin nhi,
Eid milad un nabi mubarak,
Jashne milad un nabi mubarak!
76. On this Eid Milad un-Nabi. May all your prayers be answered by Allah,
Believe on him and he will grant you,
your heartís desire!
77. Wishing that Allah accepts,
Your good deeds and sacrifices,
Alleviates your sufferings,
And forgives your transgressions. Jashne Eid Milad un Nabi Mubarak!
78. Muje is tarah apni mohabat main masroof kar day meray allah,
Muje sans tak na aye teray zikr ke beghair,
Eid e milad mubarak!
79. Kun Minatain Mangta Hai Auron Ke Darbar Se,
Wo Kon Sa Kam Hai Jo Hota Nahi Teray Parwardigar Se,
Bara Rabi ul Awwal Mubarak!
80. Meri ghaflaton ki had bi nahi,
Teri rehmaton ki bi had nahi,
Na meri khata ka shumar hai,
Na teri ata ka shumar hai,
Bara rabi ul awal mubarak ho!
81. Zindagi ko ramadan jesa bna lo,
Tu moat eid jesi ho gi,
12 rabi ul awal mubarak,
82. Muje is tarah apni mohabat main masroof kar day meray allah,
Muje sans tak na aye teray zikr ke beghair,
Eid e milad mubarak!
83. Tumhari niyyat ki pemaish us waqt hoti hai,
Jb tum kisi aisy shakhs k sath bhlai kro,
Jo tum ko kuch bhi nahi de sakta,
Hazrat ALI R.A.
84. + ë__//__í +*
ë *H‰ppy //*í +
*í+/ ÄId í+í* +îî
+ Milad Nabi (S.A.W.),
Rabi ul Awal Mubarak!
85. When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty,
Look to those, Who have been given less,
12 Rabi ul Awal!
86. Sayiduna Anas bin malik r.A who was a,
Servant to rasoolullah s.A.W said,
I served the messenger of allah for,
10 years and not once did he ever,
Raise his voice, become angry or,
Treat me harshly!
87. .~î~.
:í ;/ ë:
ë: .*. :í 12Rab-ul-
:í /; ë: Awal
ë~Ö.~í (Eidon ki Eid i)*
Jashn-i- Eid Melad-un- Nabi(S.A.W) Mubarak ho!
Rabi-ul-Awwal ka chand mubarak ho!
88. ëc ,!, c ( *
:í: ( ) :í:
I:í:I .:::!!!!!!:::.I:í:I
Bohat Bohat Mubarak HoÖ!í
89. Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words
E ñ Embrace with open heart,
I ñ Inspire with impressive attitude,
D ñ Distribute pleasure to all ~Eid Milad Un Nabi!
90. Many are the wishes,
That are being sent your way,
But the is a special one,
For a very happy Eid Day!
91. Lonesome without you,
Each & every moments,
When I am alone,
I close my eyes & think of you,
And thoughts of your love warms,
Me inside & makes me smile,
Miss you a lot. Eid Mubarak!
92. Itís a special time when family and friends get together,
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days,
In this festive season of eid and always!
!Eid mubarak
93. Can I stay here in your inbox
And wait till CHAND RAAT,
So that I will be 1st to Greet you and wish you Happy Eid Mubarak!!
94. May this day bring peace and
Smoothness in your life,
May it provide you the best time of your life.
Happy eid milad-un-nabi!
95. On eid-e-milad-nabi,
I wish wealth,
Prosperity and joy be with you,
This year and always!
96. Wishing you all a very happy eid,
And pray that you achieve everything you do,
Eid Mubarak.
97. May Allah shower endless blessings on you,
And fulfill all your wishes on this festive occasion!
98. Of all the days to celebrate,
May this eid milad-un-nabi outshines the rest;
Hoping that this eid is the happiest and best!
Warm greetings of eid!
99.May allah bless: your days with happiness,
Your weeks with prosperity,
Your months with contentment,
And your years with love and peace!
100. May the blessings of Allah,
Keep your heart and home, happy and joyous,
On this Eid and ahead!
13:27 (IST)
The new Realme powerbank has been launched in India at Rs 1,999
It will be available for purchase starting 21 July at 12 pm on Flipkart.
13:25 (IST)
Realme also announces a 30W fast charging 10,000 mAh powerbank in India
The power bank allow two way (Dart) charging. It has one USB-A 30W output and one Type-C 30W input/output port.
13:22 (IST)
Realme C11 launched in India at Rs 7,499
The smartphone will go on its first sale on 22 July at 12 pm on Flipkart.
13:21 (IST)
A quick recap of Realme C11 specifications and features
13:20 (IST)
Realme C11 is splash resistant
13:19 (IST)
Up front, the Realme C11 sports a 5 MP selfie camera
13:18 (IST)
The Realme C11 comes with a 13 MP dual camera setup at the back
13:18 (IST)
Realme C11 is powered by Helio G35 SoC
As per Realme, the chipset will allow users to easily play medium to heavy games on the smartphone
13:16 (IST)
Realme C11 is fueled by 5,000 mAh battery
Realme claims that it can last 40 days on standby.
13:14 (IST)
Realme C11 has a 6.5-inch display
It has a 88.7 percent screen to body ratio and a 20:9 aspect ratio.
13:13 (IST)
Realme C11 has a square-shaped dual-camera setup at the back with an accompanying LED flash
13:12 (IST)
The Realme C11’s back is fingerprint and scratch resistant
13:11 (IST)
The Realme C11 comes in a green and grey colour variant
13:09 (IST)
The Realme C11 comes with a triple SIM slot: dual SIM + dedicated slot for micro SD card
13:08 (IST)
Realme C11 will be available in one variant with 2 GB RAM and 32 GB storage
13:07 (IST)
Realme product manager Nidhi Bhatia unboxes the devices
The phone comes with an adapter, charging cable and a SIm ejector in the box.
13:05 (IST)
As opposed to its release strategy of one C-series phone a year till now, Realme will from now, launch multiple models under the C-series
13:04 (IST)
Realme claims that since the launch of Realme C1, 13 million customers bought a C-series smartphone
13:02 (IST)
Realme product manager Nidhi Bhatia has taken over the launch video
12:57 (IST)
The Realme launch event will begin in a few minutes
The live stream video is embedded below:
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